Dining in Style – And Comfort

When everyone gathers for any occasion it is imperative to have adequate room to enjoy each meal.

Image: BeforeIn today’s hectic times, sharing a meal does not only provide nourishment for the body, but an opportunity to spend meaningful time with our loved ones, by providing a place of gathering – regardless of the occasion.

To give everyone ample space, we designed a table large enough to comfortably accommodate eight and at the same time cozy enough, should only a few family members share a meal together. Plus, the magic of a pedestal table allows for room to add another two guests without bumping into one of the table’s legs.

A long chandelier spreads the light so that everyone can enjoy the ambiance, while window treatments soften the room without taking away any of the light. Through the inclusion of the rug the room became quieter too – a welcome addition for gatherings with livelier debate.

To contribute both storage and a beautiful piece to enjoy, Diane Bishop Interiors designed a custom sideboard.

Thanks to some well thought-out updates, this lovely family now has a place to enjoy family and friends any time.

Don’t let your dining room go any longer without a meal shared in comfort and style – give us a call at 215.619.2999.

Whenever possible, consider a pedestal table so even more guests can enjoy a meal with you.